Expanded Evaluative Mediation

Our team of providers at Moxie Inc. have designed a new service to offer a little more investigation than what is included in a SENE while maintaining the confidentiality, team approach and thorough feedback of a SENE in this Evaluative Mediation process.

Here’s the design:
You might think of this as a SENE that is broken into two 3-hour sessions –

Session 1: In the first session, parents will share their stories and family history, their concerns, and proposals for how to move forward and reach settlement.
Session 2: In the second session they will hear the evaluators’ feedback and mediate.

What happens in between these sessions is custom designed to address the special topics that need more investigation. It is here that we can use any of the skills and techniques that we might otherwise bring to a custody evaluation, a BFA, or child-inclusive mediation.

This expanded data gathering might include:

  • Interviews with the children to include their voice in the process.
  • Obtaining mental health or chemical health assessments from other providers, so the results can be reviewed and inform recommendations.
  • Review of medical or mental health records.
  • Contacting collaterals, such as therapists for parents or kids, teachers, Guardians ad Litem, etc.
  • Home visits and parent-child observations may be completed.
  • Homes may be assessed for child safety, parents may separate into two homes, leases may be signed.

With this deeper dive into evaluation and information gathering, the feedback parents receive in Session 2 will be better-informed. You can expect the same comprehensive feedback as is typical for a SENE, including custody labels, parenting time schedules, and special considerations to solve family problems.

This service is provided by two providers serving as a team. The fee is $300/hour per provider.

Contact Us

(763) 444-2241

P.O. Box 14416, St. Paul, MN 55114

For scheduling and all other inquiries: